My Silly Song

by Tom & Lynn Crowell

If anyone would ask just about any Plank Road Publishing employee, "Which writer is the silliest?" the answer would be a resounding, "Lynn!" Case in point: In the office here, we pass around birthday cards for everyone to sign for our regular birthday gatherings. Without fail, Lynn will write something bizarre, nonsensical, and often hilarious. And she seems to do it effortlessly! So coming up with lyrics for this song was easy for her. (Though Tom also helped, because he can be silly, too).

If your students will be singing this in a performance, have them over enunciate the words. The lyrics may confuse your audience (as they should!), so they need to understand that they really are hearing what they're hearing.

The best way to remember the lyrics is to imagine each scenario in your head. When we say, "Paper clips help," we mean that the paper clips have little arms and hands, and they like to help people. Everyone may have a different image in their heads, and there's really not a wrong answer. (That's the joy of the arts.)

If you can work with your art teacher, maybe the students would enjoy drawing some parts of the lyrics. Then, at your concert, you could project or display the artwork to help your audience really capture the silliness!

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.