Ten To Teach - Harmony - Book/CD-ROM

These 10 expertly crafted lessons from Donna Dirksing, Brian Hiller and Don Dupont, Konnie Saliba, Mari Schay, Phyllis Thomas, and more, provide your students with opportunities to identify and perform harmony in several ways: singing partner songs, playing barred percussion instruments, illustrating harmony with movement, and playing recorder descants, to name a few. The included CD contains audio samples, PowerPoint® presentations, reproducible music for students, and various visual aids that you can print or project to suit your needs. (Grades K-6)

Condition: New. Details: New, overstock, no longer utilized in our catalog

Bargain Outlet Price: $17.97 (Normally $26.95: Save 33%)
Product # BB-MPLRC037
Quantity Available: 1