Take My Lumps
by Mike Wilson
What the world needs is more character songs! Here's another about one of this author's favorite subjects – consequences! Even the best kids can occasionally find themselves in trouble of their own device. The embarrassment or fear of consequence causes them to shift the blame to anyone or anything else. Though a little lie may appear to be the easy way out, it actually compounds the problem. (How many adults do we know who never learned this?) In reality, admitting fault, taking one's lumps, and plowing right through the issue is the quickest way to resolution and a clear conscience.
This song is a blend of pop and jazz featuring full rhythm and brass. The unison voicing requires a hushed yet intense approach on the verses contrasted with an all out, give-it-all-ya-got attitude on the choruses. If you'd like to add some activity, you could add finger snaps on beat three of each measure during the intro, turnaround, and outro.
Encourage your students to listen to the lyrics. It might even spur a discussion about how the consequences of one's choices and actions can affect not only themselves but also have an impact on those around them as well.
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.