Jaws Of The Jurassic
by Teresa Jennings
The beauty of dinosaur music at this time of year is that it could actually be a subject used for Halloween. And why not? It's a pretty scary and mysterious subject. On the other hand, if Halloween is a no-no for your school, dinosaur music doesn't have to have anything to do with it at all. Either way, you win, and so do your students.
"Jaws of the Jurassic" is our contribution to the cause, and we are pretty pleased with it. Upon first listening to the tape, you may think that it's too complex for some of your students. On the contrary, it is written in such a way that it can be sung with parts or in unison. And to insure that you have no excuse whatsoever not to let your kids at least try this one, we have included a third version of it on side two of the Performance/Accompaniment cassette. This version includes the instrumental tracks, part II vocals (the low stuff), and the solo voice over. In the tracks only version (no voices), the guitar doubles the melody of the vocal solo, so it is reinforced if you need it. In other words, we have made it very easy for your kids to do this song. If fact, our singers learned it very quickly in the recording session and came back the next day singing it on their way into the studio. After all, how often do you get to explore "Gregorian Rock?" (Speaking of which, be sure to check out the offer detailed below.) All we ask is that when you do play this for your students, crank up the volume. The effects will be best appreciated at an "intense" level.
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.