February 2

by Teresa Jennings

So what will we do if the groundhog sees his shadow on February 2? This quirky folk-ish tune will ponder the question for your young singers with lighthearted-ness and fun. Strumming and picking guitars, banjo and fiddle, and plenty of vocal slides and scoops will have kids humming this one after class or performance. (Ours did!)

On the music you will see a couple of performance notes. One includes suggested movement that is very simple, easy to learn, and of course, optional. The other discusses the pronunciation of "February." We went with "Feb-yu-ary" for this song because it felt right. You can do as you prefer. (And be sure to check out our song about this conundrum, "February!" from Music K-8, Vol. 25, No. 3.)

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.