Super-Duper Reduplication

by John Riggio

Reduplication occurs when you have a word or phrase that has repeated sounds – either vowels, or consonants, or both. There are three types of reduplication:

  • Exact. For example, goo goo, gaga, tom-tom.
  • Rhyming. For example, boogie-woogie, fender bender, handstand.
  • Ablaut (non-rhyming). For example, jiggery-pokery, wishy-washy, shipshape.

This is a list song, in that it rattles off a list of examples of reduplication. Even the title of the song, "Super-Duper Reduplication" has reduplication in it!

Some of the rhythms are a bit tricky and syncopated, especially the section beginning at measure 17, so it will help to count this out. There is an optional divisi starting at measure 25 the second time. It does go down to a G, so if that's too low for some of your students, have them lay out or just sing the C in the melody line above. The divisi breaks into three parts on the last note for a grand, full sound. The lower notes of the divisi are extracted for rehearsing and can be found at our web site. They are labeled "part 2."

This is a power rock song with a driving guitar and piano motif. And being a power rock song, John was obliged to write an electric guitar duet from measure 42 to the end, played masterfully by our own Sandy Williams. The chorus is halftime, so you have an opportunity to discuss the difference between time and halftime with your students.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.