Snowmen Can't March

by Teresa Jennings

If you're looking for a super easy seasonal piece to do with your youngest singers, you've found it! This simple march is short, repetitive, lighthearted, and kids get to sing (and shout) about the lack of snowmen feet. Which explains why they can't march!

The song plays through three times. At measure 5, the first and third times, kids sing. The second time, they play rhythm band instruments as close to the beat as they can. Any non-pitched instrument will be fine. The point is to have fun in a joyfully noisy way.

Make Your Own Parade

To make this extra special, Melissa Schott has created some fun and easy-to-learn steps for your little ones. Her video and teaching notes can be found on our web site. And as usual, she encourages you to adapt freely to suit your situation. You can find her materials at our web site.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.