Pine Cones

by Teresa Jennings

Students will need to be on their musical toes to do the part singing in this song. It's a simple, medium tempo cumulative song – simple, that is, as long as everyone is paying attention and counting! At measure 9, part 1 starts and sings all 5 times. The second time, part 2 joins in, then part 3 the third time, and part 4 the fourth time. After an interlude, the singing starts up again at bar 17. This time however, it's backwards. In other words, starting with the second time at 17, parts are reduced back down to just part 1 which stands alone the sixth time through. Listen to the recording to hear how it all works together. As the music indicates, this piece is a good study of cut-time, part singing, and math. That makes it officially cross curricular.

The background accompaniment is light and includes piano, acoustic bass, strings, and percussion. Each part is doubled by clarinets, flutes, and horns. The percussion could be played by students as well, given the simplicity. It could be done on hand drums, buckets, toms, whatever you have. We have extracted the percussion part and put it online for you.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.