Feeling Weepy
by Teresa Jennings
It's the end of the school year again already. And as we sometimes do, we like to leave you on a thoughtful note. This time it may feel a bit emotional.
There's a lot of emphasis on positivity and happiness, especially when it comes to our kids. And generally, there's nothing wrong with that. But we also need to acknowledge that sometimes that's too difficult. Sometimes, we just need to pause and let ourselves feel sadness. That's particularly true when there are events that impact us. Loss of any kind comes to mind. But there are also times when it's just there for no particular obvious reason. Maybe life is feeling overwhelming. Maybe there's a buildup of stresses that need release. Whatever it is, like the song says, sometimes it's okay to feel weepy.
The recording for this short, gentle tune is very sweet and lovely. Besides our rich orchestral pads, we feature a solo violinist (Phil Palermo) whose delicate lines come and go. But the piano part is one that is so pleasant by itself that if you are or have a pianist, this would work nicely as a live piece, too.
The lyrics and melody are simple and memorable and mostly in unison. But at the very end, we opted to use a soloist (Natalie Danzeisen) for the final line. You can just let everyone sing here if you prefer.
Even if you don't think you have a use for this piece, we hope you play it for your students, just to hear it. You never know who you might be reaching in a way that is helpful at just the right moment.
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.