We All Celebrate
by Teresa Jennings
Here's a little something for everyone. Literally. This world beat tune is a mixture of all kinds of musical sounds and textures. It's also a format for your students to share what they celebrate. Assuming you use the tune during the traditional holiday season, that could include a lot!
The tune is unison the first time with an optional second part coming in on the D.S. Both parts are pretty easy, and our singers learned them quickly.
The point of the tune is that "we all celebrate." To demonstrate this, we offer a section of the tune for students to proclaim their celebratory preferences. Listen to the recording for an idea of how this works. Encourage diversity. Maybe have them change the words, if necessary. "My neighbor celebrates Kwanzaa," is just fine. Make sure soloists are featured in such a way that they can be easily heard and understood by the audience.
Consider using props or costumes as well. Do an "around the world" sort of celebration and really add some interesting stuff. For example, "In England, they celebrate Boxing Day." Remember though, you only have eight opportunities (unless you add some elsewhere in the song - which you can do!).
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.