I'll Be There
by Teresa Jennings
The song "I'll Be There" is for that group of students who want to celebrate the friendships in their lives. It's also quite appropriate for Valentine's Day, if you want to use it that way. Set in a light Latin style, it's the kind of song that makes you smile. The sentiment is dear, and we're thinking it might be most popular with your girls. Though we know darn well that boys cherish their friendships, too. Even if they don't say so.
On the recording, you will be treated to the lovely sounds of the solo nylon string guitar as played by Sandy Williams. If you are playing the tune live, you may need to substitute another instrument for the guitar solos, which are indicated on the piano/vocal.
The second time through the tune, there is an optional second vocal part. It is a simple response to part 1 and feels very natural.
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.