Rhythm Parade
by M.C. Handel
If you're looking for a performance piece for recorders and rhythm band, you're in luck! "Rhythm Parade" can be performed by unison recorders alone, but if you like, you can add the optional second recorder part, which includes the responses to the calls during the section at measure 20. Both parts are limited to G, A, B, C, and D.
For real performance pizzazz, we have included some movement options as well. These are borrowed from real marching bands and should be fun to perform. Instructions are included on the music at the bottom. Use them as is, or adapt them. Part of the options include the yelling of "hey!" which is also indicated on the music. (Just FYI - our singers loved doing that! Go figure, eh?)
The rhythm band parts have been engraved separately for your convenience. You will find them on pages 64 through 67 of this issue. They are, of course, optional, but your players will enjoy joining in with the many layers of percussion already on the recording. We used 17 tracks (!) of percussion including snares, toms, cymbals, etc. Use all or some of the rhythm percussion, as you wish.
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.