by John Riggio
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word "repercussion" as "reflection," and "a reciprocal action or effect." This is the premise behind "Repercussion," and it has a double meaning - a reflection of sound and motion, and the percussive nature of the tune. Students will have an opportunity to mimic each other's vocal parts, movements, and even play simple percussion instruments in a call and response fashion. Consequently, the song will work best if you split your singers up into two separate groups.
The rhythms on the simple percussion instruments don't have to be the ones we've written. Your students can make a game of it and create their own rhythms and see if their counterparts can match them.
The track version of this song is just as much fun to listen to as the full performance version. There's an awful lot of percussive rhythms we've mixed into it! Despite the complex rhythmic activity by the instrumentalists, the vocal parts are very simple, consisting primarily of quarter notes and a range of only F to Bb.
Some movement suggestions:
- When you - point to your counterparts
- Hear me - cup hands behind ears like you're listening
- I sound - point to self
- Just like you - point to counterparts on "you"
- See me - point to corners of eyes (touch the face below the
- eyes and to the sides a bit)
- I look - point to self, then spread hands wide out,
- presenting yourself
- Reach up - one group reaches up with the right hand,
- the other with the left
- I move - high march for two steps
- Do this - bob head left and right
- I just - point to self
- Do that, too - bob head left and right
- Jump up; Spin 'round; Look up; Make noise; Clap
- hands; Sing out; Shout for joy - follow lyrics (opt.)
- Don't be coy - point to audience on each word
For the chorus, the movement could be anything as simple as both groups marching in time or taking a step to the right, then one to the left, touching the heel of one foot with the other as they step. Or you could choreograph the piece with your own more complex movements.
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.