
by Teresa Jennings

On Memorial Day, we like to take a little time to pause and think of those who have come before. Traditionally, this includes family and friends, but may also include others, such as heroes or public servants or veterans. Though it does not specifically refer to the loss of anyone, the song "Memories" is written in such a way as to include options for this type of usage. It could also be used to honor time that has passed or a situation that is now a memory. For example, if someone is leaving your school or community, the song would apply. But truly it is also quite effective for pure memorials.

The melody of this song is very gentle and simple. It is also relatively brief. Students will be able to learn it quickly, even if you decide to use it in an all-school setting.

As part of the accompaniment of this song, we have included a recorder duet. It is on the full performance version on the CD (track 7) as well as one of the background instrumental versions (track 24). A second instrumental version (track 23) without recorders is included as well in case you want to add your own recorders. We have provided parts on pages 42, 43, and 44. You will see that the parts on pages 42 and 43 are labeled Recorder 1 and Recorder 2. These imply that soprano recorders are to be used (as usual). For the more ambitious out there, we have also created a Recorder 2 part (page 44) for alto recorder. It is identical in sound to the soprano recorder version of the same part. Of course, any and all of the recorder parts are optional. To assist in beginning the tune (with or without the recorders), we have added some clicks before the tune as a count-off on the instrumental versions.

To make the piece more special, you may decide to employ sign language. We have included signs for all of the words on the lyric sheet on page 39. They are also available as individual PDFs on our web site at If using all of the signs seems daunting to you, just select key words or phrases to sign instead. Or divide students into groups who each learn only a part of the song with its respective sign language.

Our sign language illustrator (Cathy Blaski) has asked us to include a couple of notes regarding some of the signs:

For the sign "have" - tap chest with fingertips two times.

The sign "memories" combines the sign for "know" with the sign for "remain." Another sign often used to signify "memory" would be the same sign that is used for "remember." Teachers who think the sign supplied for "memories" is too complex might prefer to repeat the sign for "remember" for both words. Those who wish to be more specific have both signs available.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.