Adiós Mi Amigo
by Mike Wilson
This wonderful little tune is a great way to continue teaching Spanish phrases and their English translations to your students. It's also a little more challenging for older students, or students who already speak Spanish. And of course, the sentiment is an excellent one, especially for the end of the school year.
Set in a 3/4 dance or waltz style, the tune flows easily. In fact, once it's in your head, good luck getting it out again!
The simple instrumental tracks behind the vocals are perfectly suited for the song. While you could perform the piece with just piano, the real stars are the trumpets, castanets, and mandolin. (Add them if you have them!)
At measure 13 the first and third times, the song is in two parts. Part 2 is optional, but sounds great if you can use it. To help you, we have included rehearsal tracks for part 2 on our web site. We have also included a spoken pronunciation guide for the Spanish words to help with teaching. (See below.)
The second time at measure 13 is not sung. Students should clap and stomp the rhythms indicated on the music. This is the "Spanish dance" part of the tune and is very appropriate and fun. Have students do their claps to one side or the other, alternating if you wish.
Online extras - The free, downloadable items mentioned for this song can be found under the "Graphics and Extras" for Volume 16, No. 5 at
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.