Strumming And Singing

by Teresa Jennings

As indicated on the music, this easy-going folk style tune is a good exercise for bass-chord accompaniment for beginning guitar students. The thumb strikes and holds the bass note, or chord root in this case, for each bar. The rest of the chord is strummed on beats 2 and 3 accordingly. We are only using two 4-string chords, C and G7, to keep it simple. The chord diagrams are indicated on the music.

The vocals are also simple and very natural, which is why we added the harmony. It felt right. The solos are optional and could either be sung by the group, or left out as you prefer. We have isolated part 1 and part 2 for rehearsal purposes and put them on our web site. (See details following.)

Online extras - The free, downloadable extras mentioned can be found under the Graphics and Extras for Volume 19, No. 5 at

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.