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Highest Honor Award Certificate Template
To use these templates:
- Make sure that the template you have chosen matches the award certificate you have purchased. ("Highest Honors" has the image of the row of kids in karate uniforms. "Master Of The Air" has the image of the dragon with a recorder. The "Music Tree Award" has a picture of a tree dropping musical notes. "Scherzo Music Award" has the image of music on a staff, transforming into colorful swirls.)
- Since printers have different formats for letterhead, please do a couple of practice printouts on scrap paper before printing on the award certificates. Take a piece of plain white paper, and draw the word "TOP" on the wide side of this practice award sheet. Place the practice award sheet in your printer drawer, noting the direction of the paper. Print out one test sheet, and see if the text from the template printed in the correct direction on your practice award sheet. Once you have confirmed the correct direction for the award sheets in your printer, place them in that direction in the printer drawer.
- Go to the correct award template and fill in the information. The template will remember the information, so the only section that will need to be changed each time will be the student's name.
- When you are ready to print, choose the landscape option and correct printer drawer. Also be sure to that Page Scaling is set to "None," then click OK or PRINT.
- When you are ready to print the next student's award, change the name in the template, choose the landscape option and correct printer drawer. Also be sure to that Page Scaling is set to "None," then click OK or PRINT. Repeat this process for each student receiving an award.
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These downloads are intended for use by teachers in their classrooms and for performances. Commercial use of any songs, images, or documents in the Downloads section or any other section of is expressly forbidden. All songs and images are Copyright ©1997-2025 Plank Road Publishing, Inc.