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Diving Deeper Into The Music - Assessment PDFs - Vol. 34, No. 3

Music K-8 has a new feature – "Diving Deeper Into The Music" interactive PDFs. These interactive PDFs are a wonderful new way to assess students' learning and comprehension of a few select songs in Music K-8. Each Diving Deeper PDF includes a handful of questions related to a song in the magazine. Students may answer these questions remotely by electronically filling out the form, saving their work, and sending it back to their teacher. Or, the PDFs could be printed and handed out in a classroom setting for students to complete by hand. The Diving Deeper PDFs can be used exactly as they are, or you could use only the questions that suit your needs.
These downloads are intended for use by teachers in their classrooms and for performances. Commercial use of any songs, images, or documents in the Downloads section or any other section of is expressly forbidden. All songs and images are Copyright ©1997-2025 Plank Road Publishing, Inc.