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Music Money $1 Bills - Mozart - Simple Design
We're offering several templates for printing out music money to be used as a classroom management tool (see the idea in the Network section of Music K-8, Vol. 15, No. 5). Each sheet contains four identical copies of the the bill to save you printing/photocopying costs. We're offering $1 and $5 Music Money bills, each in three different styles.
This $1 Music Money bill features Mozart and has a simple design. If you don't have a very good printer or photocopier, this should still reproduce well for you.
We strongly recommend downloading the PDF and viewing it in Adobe Acrobat Reader, rather than viewing it in your browser window.
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These downloads are intended for use by teachers in their classrooms and for performances. Commercial use of any songs, images, or documents in the Downloads section or any other section of is expressly forbidden. All songs and images are Copyright ©1997-2025 Plank Road Publishing, Inc.