Submitted by Becky Luce, New Hampshire
Idea posted March 31, 2005
When I teach my kids to memorize, I write the words on the board. Then I have the kids erase one line at a time, starting with the LAST line.
I also play all sorts of silly games with them:
- Have students stand up every time they sing a word that begins with the letter "f" (or any letter you choose)
- Have students clap the beat on the first phrase, snap their fingers to the beat on the second phrase, etc.
- Divide the class in half. The first half sings the first phrase, the other half sings the second phrase, and the two continue alternating phrases until the end of the song. At the end, have the first half challenge the second half to sing a certain phrase of the song by memory and vice versa.
- Have students do different physical activities as they sing, such as bouncing on bended knee, tiptoeing in place, turning around, etc. This is works best after students have the song memorized.