Submitted by Sara T., Maryland
Idea posted June 15, 2005
I made "Hey Children" into a stick passing game for the first day of class. Here is how it goes:
First, have students sit in a circle.
Hey,children, who's in town?
taptap tap tap
stickssticks sticks sticks
onon together together
Everybodystop and look around
floortogether look one way, then the other
Say yourname and when you do
floorfloor together together
We will say itback to you.
passpick up
to rightThen four students will say their names, but each one must do a motion with their name, and the class repeats it. Then we say the chant again. The kids all wanted a chance to do a motion and absolutely loved this activity! It got the rhythm sticks in their hands and helped us learn names too!