Submitted by Stephanie, Ohio
Idea posted December 7, 2005
My sixth grade choir choreographers made up the following moves to "Shout!"; all moves last 8 counts:
- Shake hands in front like drying nail polish or flicking water.
- Hands into fist on hips and shake hips.
- This one's tricky to describe:
- Point right toe and put jazz hands out over right side of body (count 1).
- Bring hands and foot back in (count 2).
- Point left toe and put jazz hands out over left side of body (count 3).
- Bring hands and foot back in (count 4).
- Repeat the whole thing to complete 8 counts.
- Start on right side rolling hands (i.e., "The Wheels On The Bus"). Bring them up above your head then down to the left side of body (8 counts).
- Start on left side rolling hands (i.e., "The Wheels On The Bus"). Bring them up above your head then down to the right side of body (8 counts).
- Twist down to the ground (count 4) and back up.
It looks really cute all together.
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