Submitted by Dan Fee, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Idea posted October 26, 2010
Here are some choreography/movement suggestions to "Bat Dance" (from Music K-8, Vol. 3, No. 1 and available as a downloadable kit ):
- Beginning - Just as it says, background squeaks.
- "Walkin' around town" - Walk in place, but "big" and "all that." Lots or arm up/down. Bob your head.
- "Ev'rywhere you look," - Hand to forehead "looking."
- "there's a bat." - BIG stiff arm point, anywhere up. (Some kids pointed to me!)
- "Hangin' up..." - One arm stiffly raised as if not in control of your own movements. Don't forget the claws.
- "Hangin' up..." - Other arm up.
- "Bats are takin' over," - Claw hands still raised, "dance" by bending knees to the beat.
- "I am so inspired...." - Hands behind back, stand tall,"sing"/sway... totally in control!
- "Makes me want...." - Stop swaying, raise one arm... someone else is controlling your moves again!
- "...spread my wings," - Raise other arm.
- "the gravity..." - Both arms make big sweep up from low knees to above head.
- "And do the bat dance." - Arms out (these are your wings), bend knees again, arms flap up/down... you're dancin'!
Middle dance section already in the song - All I did was have the kids step rt/rt/rt/clap, lft/lft/lft/clap... repeat. Don't forget your arm/bat wings flapping during this section.
The dance was so successful that I had some boys spontaneously put arms on each other's shoulders for part of the dance!