Submitted by Nikki Febinger, Rio Vista, Texas

Idea posted December 6, 2011

My 3rd and 4ths REALLY enjoyed dancing to "Thriller." Here is how I shortened the dance:


  • Ear twitch to shoulder (8x)


  • Egyptian arms, face left; step left, together, left, together, then right, together, right, together
  • Face same direction and breast stroke L L R R L L R R
  • Egyptian arms again, squat down and up 8x
  • Act like a dead robot zombie (You can figure this one out on your own!)


  • Shimmy shoulders to left and clap (shimmy 1 & 2 & 3 & clap)
  • Shimmy to right and clap
  • Hands on thighs, pivot stomp on one foot all the way around
  • Same position, stomp forwards 4x, backwards 4x
  • Cool walk forwards 4x, backwards 4x
  • Monster Arms (claw hands to L 2x, R 2x, repeat)

Repeat until very tired!