Submitted by Wynne Alexander, Mississippi

Idea posted November 15, 2013

"Free Like Me" from Music K-8, Vol. 16, No. 2

Two boys dressed as Revolutionary War soldiers march across the stage with toy drums, pretending to play. Someone holds up the sign, "Revolution."

The first verse is solo, duet, then group. On the chorus, raise right arm on "free" each time, then put right hand on the heart on "Free like..." and add the left over it so that both arms are crossed over the chest on ""

The second verse ("Brothers, sisters..."), someone holds up a sign that says, "Civil War" as a Yankee walks across the stage with the arrested rebel's hands behind his back, followed by a nurse. On the repeat of "Brothers, sisters..." a boy and a girl dressed as slaves with cotton picking bags run out front and hug. They step back to second row.

The third verse ("Bless the heroes..."), two students hold up WWI, then WWII signs and those soldiers step forward. Others fold hands as if praying on "Bless," then raise them up like that and back down to sides.

On the last verse ("Now and always..."), hold out right hand for "now" and left hand for "always," and point to forehead on "remember." Students raise signs for Vietnam, Iraq (and Desert Storm, if you want it), as those soldiers each step forward.

At the end, on the next to last long "free," the Statue of Liberty steps forward.