Submitted by Maureen Wysham, Great Mills, Maryland
Idea posted April 30, 2002
I hope you don't have to go "á la cart," but if you do, here are some things that might be helpful.
- Streamline things. It's much easier, after awhile, to take fewer things from class to class.
- Rely less on textbooks and more on paper and rote learning.
- Request that the teacher leave the room while you teach, otherwise you are not the "teacher" to those kids.
- Find out where all the available outlets are in each classroom; you'll be amazed at how they get covered.
- With little ones, it's best to move any necessary furniture yourself!
- Don't depend on a lot of chalkboard space, and bring your own magnets (if the boards are magnetic).
I could go on and on, but these are basics. You may find things easier than I did, but in general, it's much more tiring and less satisfying to teach from room to room. Which reminds me of another piece of advice: Wear comfortable shoes!