Submitted by Sandy Elder, Michigan
Idea posted November 15, 2002
Here's a quick and fun activity to celebrate this October birthday.
recording of "In Walked Bud" by Thelonious Monk
(In the hallway)
Pretend you are "Bud" walking into a big party of your friends. Listen to the music and decide how you think Bud walked into the room. Walk into the music room as Bud.
Form a line. Person in front is the leader. Leader walks in a distinct way. Everyone behind him/her has to copy as you walk around the room. Leader moves to the end and new leader takes the class around the room.
Follow up: FORM
The initial melody is repeated several times in the song. Choose a hand movement (such as "raising the roof") and play follow the leader again, but add the hand gesture every time you hear the melody.