Submitted by Stephanie Carey, Portsmouth, Ohio
Idea posted April 13, 2004
When I was working with sixth through eighth graders, I created a checklist for students who had a hard time with talking out. It is very simple. The paper is divided in half the long way. At the top of the page on the left it says "I talked out," and on the right it says "I kept myself from talking out." The students put a check or tick in each column each time they do either behavior. When they have, for example, five more ticks on the right than on the left, they get a tangible reward. This reward requirement gets harder every couple of weeks until they're not talking out anymore. You can pair this with or use it separately from a behavior contract.
Behavior contract: Write up the contract including what they'll do (i.e., raise their hand and count to ten before shouting out), what you'll do (i.e., call on them before they get to ten), consequences, the length of the contract (i.e., one month), and how the contract will be evaluated. You sign it, and the student signs it. A copy is sent to the parents, the student's file, and perhaps the counselor. It works wonders!