Song Collections

New Song Collections from Plank Road Publishing

On This Memorial Day

Now Available!

On This Memorial Day

A Heartfelt Collection For Young Voices

It's important to remember that the freedoms we enjoy today exist because of the sacrifices of those who gave their all for their country, and these stirring songs encourage thought, understanding, and gratitude for those sacrifices. This special resource, complete with optional narration between each piece, pays tribute to the fallen and honors those who made the greatest sacrifice. Read more or order yours now! >>

Just released!

Nice December Days

Winter Songs

A Collection For Young Singers

There are so many fun things to do doing the winter months, aren't there? Sledding, making snow angels, ice skating, taking long walks in the snow, and... shoveling?? Well, most things in the winter are fun. But of course, not everyone has the same excitement about winter. We have all of these aspects covered in this wonderfully wintry collection.

Nice December Days

Sing A Song Of Musical Concepts, Vol 2

A Collection For Young Voices

By popular demand, we are pleased to bring you eight more songs from Music K-8 magazine that make it easier to teach the elements of music. Sing A Song Of Musical Concepts, Volume 2 includes fun and engaging songs that will capture the attention of your students while reinforcing important musical concepts.

Nice December Days

The Muffin Man & Friends

A Collection Of Songs For Little Voices

These nine songs are sure to garner a few "awww's" from your audience. Equally usable for performances or in the classroom, the songs have easy-to-remember lyrics and many lend themselves to movement. To make the collection even more versatile, a short script (one stanza per song) is provided to connect the songs together.