I absolutely love your publication. I tell everyone I can about it. I find myself grabbing it again and again for quality songs and fabulous orchestrations. It is imaginative and enriching in so many ways. It is the one resource that doesn't gather dust on my shelves! Thank you all.

- Arkansas

Your magazine and CDs are priceless. High quality and clever, there is always something I can incorporate into my teaching in every magazine, not to mention instant program songs! They can cut everything else from my budget (don't tell my school that), but don't cut my Music K-8 subscription!

- Nebraska

Thanks to Music K-8! At my concert last week, during "Shortnin' Bread," the most amazing, spontaneous thing happened. The audience started SINGING ALONG! Holy cow! They started singing out of PURE ENJOYMENT!

I can't thank the Plankers enough for creating experiences like this, not just for me and my kids but for their parents as well!

Later, a parent told me that she remembered that song from when she was younger and was thrilled to "re-remember" it! How awesome is that?

- Missouri

I am grateful that I am able to order your Music K-8 magazine each year because I use the songs for programs and my elementary chorus. Thank you for the awesome job you do in creating songs that fit what we need and for allowing a place to share ideas!

- Iowa

Without Music K-8, I wouldn't be able to survive! Thank you so much!

- Illinois

I want to thank you for your dedication to produce the quality resources that you do, as well as for the generous, cooperative approach that you have. I also appreciate the ease with which you can be contacted. The life of a music teacher using Music K-8 and other Plank Road publications is made so much easier... and in turn, the children’s love of music and music education is so much better and enjoyable! Keep up the fantastic work!

- Mississippi

I teach at a Department of Defense school. Some of our parents are deployed right now and we are getting ready for our Veterans Day performances, and I cannot possibly describe how much your songs mean to us. Even 5th grade boys are putting their arms over each others shoulders and swaying along to, "One Nation" (and that was their idea). The kids beg to sing songs over, even though it's time for them to go! When I told them we would have to narrow the program songs to just seven, they started to beg to, "Just make the program longer!" They actually cheer when I call out the next song! Every rehearsal is basically a patriotic pep rally. None of this would be possible without your beautiful songs! THANK YOU!

- Guam

Your company is the best resource any K-8 music teacher could have! You provide us with AWESOME music to teach to our students, and I hope that you can continue to do this for many, many years to come!

- Illinois

I can't thank you enough for the support and encouragement you provide through your web site. Teresa Jennings continues to be my favorite composer to turn to when searching for a program to present to the community. Her music style is right in sync with this age group. Our music programs have been approved to air on our local school channel, and we've received numerous commendations for our work from the school board and the surrounding community. I gratefully acknowledge Music K-8 as the reason behind our success. Thank you just doesn't seem to convey how thankful I am for your support, but I'll say it anyway... THANK YOU!

- Texas

Music K-8 magazine has been a lifesaver and a huge resource to me. As a new teacher with my first year at an inner city, high poverty, high minority school with absolutely no music funding, I have come to rely on your magazine to provide me with program material, teaching resources, and great ideas. I constantly use the Idea Bank and message boards to try even more new things. I wouldn't have made it without all of the support and resources that Music K-8 offers.

- Texas

I could not put on the performances I do without Music K-8 magazine. That is the first thing I order. Thank you for such a phenomenal product.

- Maine

I have found your products and web site to be invaluable resources. The downloadable items are especially helpful.

- Massachusetts

I have found Music K-8 to be a fantastic value. For the price of a musical from most other publishers, I get a musical, seasonal songs, the Idea Bank, the rights to make the copies I need for my students, and fantastic recordings. You can't find this kind of value anywhere else.

- Mississippi

Hmmm... let me just say: Music K-8 saved my career!!! I was on burnout mode about two or three years in, and someone told me about it. And it has been true love ever since!!! : ) WORTH EVERY PENNY!

- Georgia

I cannot imagine putting on three or four concerts a year without the incredible, and varied, choices that Music K-8 gives us.

- Florida

I have every issue [of Music K-8]... can't imagine teaching without them!

- New Mexico

I love your music, the format, the great recordings, the sharing of ideas, the continuous resource of great music and great networking, etc. I feel like Music K-8 is a part of my teaching team.

- Missouri

I really appreciate Plank Road Publishing's considerate approach to providing for education. Your company always has quality items, good prices, and friendly staff to help. Thank you!

- New York

Thanks for the awesome customer service! That is one of the reasons why Plank Road Publishing is so successful.

- Georgia

Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. My search is over, and just in time to use with my third graders. Once again, Music K-8 comes through for us!

- New Jersey

Thank you very much! I have to tell you that I use at least one of your songs EACH AND EVERY DAY that I teach! You have the greatest stuff!

- Texas

Thank you! I just love shopping with Music K-8. I've enjoyed the quality and fast delivery. Your customer service is also tops!

- Texas

I wanted to pass along many compliments to your employees on the phone. They are always so kind, courteous, efficient, and helpful. Phone conversations are always very pleasant. Thanks for great customer service.

- Ohio

A great product and for someone like myself who works in an urban, inner city school district; you keep it affordable! I almost always have to buy out of my own pocket but the product is EXCELLENT!

Quality with a heart!

- New York

My teachers look forward to this publication each year. They will be thrilled to received it right at the beginning of their school year. We love Music K-8!

- Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada

Music K-8 magazine has been such a "lifesaver" for me, after teaching music at all grade levels for 40 years! ...I am amazed how you all continue to crank-out more and more quality, musical [revues] and excellent accompaniment CDs for them, classroom singing and for recorders! You, at Plank Road, have been an inspiration to all of us for years!

- Colorado

Music K-8 is one step above the rest!

- North Dakota

I do love Plank Road, the heartfelt idealism in the Music K-8 songs, the wonderful arrangements, and the sense of community through this list [Music K-8 Mailing List] and magazine.

- Florida

You guys are awesome and you provide an incredible service to teachers!

- Oregon

When I’m planning a program, I look to Music K-8 FIRST.

- Virginia

Thank you for continuing to produce great music for elementary music teachers!

- Wisconsin

I am back to teaching after 25 years in business - and Music K-8 was the BEST suggestion a fellow teacher shared with me! You fit my budget, the music is awesome, the CDs so professional, and I will be forever grateful for this resource.

- Indiana

Again, Plank Road just makes us look so awesome! We couldn’t do it without you!

- Virginia

Music K-8 is a lifeline!

- Texas

Thank you for all your great work! Your songs are the highlight of our programs.

- Alabama

Thank you for producing such high quality, entertaining, and educational materials!

- Michigan

Music K-8 is the most valuable resource I have for my choir classes.

- California

I have had a rough time with some other suppliers, and dealing with this company has been wonderful. ...Thanks again for making this easy.

- Connecticut

I am impressed with all you do and have been from the very beginning.

- Missouri

I am continually amazed and pleased at the professionalism, courtesy, and caring service from all of you at Plank Road. One person is nicer than the next. Incredible.

- New York

I can't tell you how many teachers I visit in the schools who "sing the praises" of Recorder Karate. A real great idea and motivator for the kids.

- Michigan

Aren't the Plank Road people wonderful?!! ...Thanks, guys, for the outstanding customer service!

- Georgia

I would just like to thank you for this wonderful product. My class just finished "production" this week, and the play was a complete hit with the students, the teacher, and the parents! ...Thanks very much. You can be sure I'll be shopping for next year's musical soon!

- APO/Europe

THANK YOU!!! ...I really appreciate you and the staff. ...Thanks again for your help in making our 3rd and 4th grade recorder concert a success.

- North Carolina

You guys are awesome! I can't tell you how much I, and my students, get from your magazine and products.

- Florida

Your products are great - I'm passing the word to my fellow music teachers here in Northern Minnesota.

- Minnesota

Your company has been a pleasure to do business with. ...Sign me one very happy customer!

- Minnesota

YOU ALL are absolutely AWESOME!!!

- Georgia

I have always been grateful for the musical support of Music K-8 magazine.

- Washington

Thanks to all of you at Plank Road Publishing! I don't know how I would have made it without Music K-8.

- Virginia

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