From: Nikki Febinger
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 17:47:38 0000
Bate Bate Chocolate it's more of a chant than a song, but it's a good "=
in-between-songs" piece
Sandwiches Are Beautiful -- Penner/_/Sandwi=
ches/ lyrics
All The Nations Like Banana --
Mango Walk
Shake the Papaya Down
Who Stole The Cookies From The Cookie Jar (another chant)
...those are all I can think of right now. Maybe I'll think of some more l=
ater today... It's our last day before Christmas break!
Sandwiches lyrics - Fred Penner -
Find Fred Penner Sandwiches lyrics and search for Fred Penner. Listen o=
nline and get new recommendations, only at
Nikki Febinger
Music Specialist, Plum Creek Elementary
Joshua ISD
From: Brian Weese
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2024 10:59 AM
To: Nikki Febinger
Subject: [MK8]Favorite Food Songs
What are your favorite songs about food, MK8 or non-MK8, that you use with =
your kids? I am building a food themed program for our 3rd, 4th and 5th gr=
ade chorus.
In the past, we have done from MK8:
Pizza Love
Pasta Song
Mashed Potatoes
Cranberries Forever
Chocolate Sundae
The Soup Song
You Gave Me Your Peanut Butter
Chocolate Chip Cookie
I just found the Fruitcake Toss.
D. Brian Weese
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