Let's Pass It On!

From Shawnee Press

by Michael and Jill Gallina

An Easy-To-Prepare Musical Presentation About Building Character

Let's Pass It On!, which is designed to be performed on risers, encourages students to pass on good deeds promoting positive feelings that in turn make the world a happier place.

Each of the five musical selections is preceded by an easy introductory narration in the form of a rhyming script with 24 speaking parts. Basic riser-style choreography suggestions are included, or the songs can be performed without movement. No costumes or scenery are required, but some hand-held props are suggested. Your students will virtually "Rise and Shine" when they perform this engaging mini-musical focusing on character education.

This musical meets the following National Standards for Music Education: singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music; reading and notating music; listening to, analyzing, and describing music; evaluating music and music performances; understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts; and understanding music in relation to history and culture. (Grades K-6)

(Run time: 20 minutes)

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Product Description
Let's Pass It On! - Reproducible Book & Performance/Accompaniment CD Only
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From Let's Pass It On!

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