Valentine Songs That Tickle Your Funny Bone
The following is copyrighted information.
- Cowboy On Valentine's Day, A
- Fox And The Ox Made A Valentine Box, The (For The Animal Valentine Ball)
- Hearts
- Hello My Valentine
- Hey Lolly, Lolly (This Valentine I Give To You)
- Hula-Hula Valentine, A
- If You'll Be M-I-N-E Mine (I'll Be T-H-I-N-E Thine)
- In Valentine Valley (Where Valentines Grow)
- Joshua Made The Teacher A Valentine
- Ten Little Valentines
- V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E (That Spells Valentine, You See)
- Valentine Painter, Pierre, The
- Valentine Signed "Guess Who?", The
- Valentine To The Man-In-The-Moon, A
- What If Ev'rybody Sent A Valentine (What A Great World This Would Be)
- Zing! Zing! A Valentine Zong