Look What Followed Me Home!
The following is copyrighted information.
- Look What Followed Me Home!: Voices (unison song and chant), Soprano Xylophone, Alto Metallophone, Bass Xylophone, Log Drum, Conga, Hand Drum, Guiro, Agogo Bells
- In The Steamy, Steamy Jungle: Voices (unison), Soprano Xylophone, Bass Xylophone, Guiro, Maracas, Bongos, Conga
- Dragons: Voices (unison), Soprano Glockenspiel, Alto Metallophone, Alto Xylophone, Bass Xylophone, Bass Metallophone, chime Tree, Guiro, Gong, Timpani
- The Robbers: Voices (unison song and chant), Body Percussion, Soprano Xylophone, Alto Xylophone, Bass Xylophone, Casaba
- The Monster In The Closet: Voices (unison), Soprano Glockenspiel, Alto Metallophone, Bass Xylophone, Suspended Cymbal, Bongos, Timpani
- Mr. Frog's Wash Day: Voices (unison),Speech Ostinatos, Soprano Glockenspiel, Alto Xylophone, Bass Xylophone, Guiro, Bongos, Triangle
- Aliens: Voices (unison), Spoken Ostinatos, Soprano Glockenspiel, Alto Xylophone, Bass Xylophone, Guiro, Log Drum, Bongos, Conga
- My Cat: Voices (unison song and chant), two-part Spoken Ostinatos, Body Percussion, Soprano Xylophone, Alto Metallophone, Bass Xylophone
- Round (for 4 voices): Voices only