Sol Mi La Sol Mi
by Teresa JenningsWe have set this piece in a rock 'n' roll format to make it more appealing to your students as they work with solfege. We have also built in a bit of flexibility so you can use it however you like. For example, the right hand piano part could be played by Orff or keyboard or mallet instruments. Non-pitched rhythm instruments could join in with the claps. Bells or Boomwhackers® could also play along with either the chords or the melody. In fact, with all of these possibilities, you might choose not to use singers at all.
The kit includes a slower slower accompaniment track that can be used to work with learning the solfege syllables and even with using solfege hand signs. It can be used as a rehearsal tool until students are ready for the faster tempo. The kit includes two reproducible student parts for this piece. On has lyrics; the other doesn't, so that your students can practice their solfege without seeing the words. We have left room for them to write in the syllables as well, if you like. (from Music K-8, Vol. 14, No. 3)
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