Es Bueno Ser Educado
by Mike WilsonThe message of this song is very clear. "Manners matter. Kindness matters. It's good to be polite." What a difference we can make in our own sphere, and beyond, if we choose to be polite.
This is an upbeat, happy song. You get a conga fill to bring you into the groove, and the clapping starts at bar 1 continuing through the intro. We jump right into Spanish expressions of politeness. "Please," "thank you," "excuse me," and "I'm sorry" are common expressions that could get a lot more use these days.
This song includes an optional second part that hits at the pick-up to the chorus, and a brief optional (and easy) third part. After you've sung through the piece once, it happens again. But now you add some soloists chiming in with the English translation of each Spanish expression.
Now about those guitar chords. We're in the key of E, which is a great key for guitar but not the easiest to play for beginners. We have illustrated easy, four-string fingerings for the chords on the music. The B can be problematic for small hands. You could opt to simply pluck the B string (the second string open) if the full chord fingering proves too difficult.
A printable guitar part, a rehearsal track for parts 2 and 3, and a pronunciation guide are included in the kit. (from Music K-8, Vol. 30, No. 1)
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