Time To Say Goodbye
by Teresa Jennings
What a sweet way to end the year. This lovely song is easy enough to be sung by any age group. It can be performed with just piano, guitar, or a cappella, if you prefer not to use the recording (which also includes strings).
One way to use the song is to have all of your students stand in a circle facing each other and hold hands. Before the song, have one student begin by squeezing the hand to the right of the student beside her. That student then squeezes the next student's hand and so on until it has gone around the circle. The beginning student lets everyone know it is done by a nod, and the song can begin.
At the end of the song, there is a fermata indicated in the music. After the fermata has been struck and held for a few seconds, the teacher can cue the students to gently say, "goodbye."
Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.