There are currently 1979 items in the Idea Bank.
- Chicken On A Fence Post Game
- Choir Job Application Instead Of Contract
- Choir Warm-Ups To Help Enunciation
- Choosing Accurate Words For Directions
- Choosing Soloists/Speakers
- Chopin: Autumn Leaf Activity
- CHORD - Guidelines to Harmony; Whole Brain Teaching Classroom Guidelines
- Chord Lessons With Special Education Students
- Choreography for Mashed Potatoes
- Choreography For No Smoke
- Choreography for Put On Your Thinking Cap
- Choreography for Reach Out
- Choreography for Right Now
- Choreography For Snow Day
- Chorus Organization
- Chorus Promotion Rap
- Chorus/Orff/Recorder/Special Program Contract and Parent Letter
- Christian Lyrics To Just One Candle
- Christmas At The O.K. Corral - Enhancement Ideas
- Christmas Belt and Bell Bonus for Recorder
- Christmas Carol Bingo
- Christmas Games and Trivia
- Christmas Music Bingo
- Christmas Parody of "She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain"
- Christmas Program And Song List
- Christmas Tree Costumes
- Christmas Variation Of Musical Chairs
- Chumbara Music Vocabulary Activity
- Cinderella Carriage Set Decoration
- Circle Game Ice Breakers
- Civil War Songs List
- Clapping Game with Hola, Amigos!
- Clapping To Quiet Classes
- Clasp to Attach Belt Beads
- Class Routine For 30-Minute Periods
- Classical Recorder Arrangements
- Classroom "Climate" Checklist
- Classroom Decorations - Make Your Own!
- Classroom Management Regarding Instrument Use
- Classroom Management: Passing Out Instruments
- Classroom Management: Students' Names On Papers
- Classroom Numbering
- Classroom Rules - Poem And Consequences
- Classroom Rules Reinforcement
- Classroom Teacher Books In The Music Classroom
- Clean Recorders Under The Faucet
- Click, Clack, Moo Musical Activity
- Codes for Tracking Student Behavior
- Color Badges
- Color Classroom Management
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