6th Grade Music Math Game

Submitted by Patty O., Arkansas

Idea posted 2005-01-11


Here is an idea that worked really well in my sixth grade general music class. I passed out a reproducible hundreds board to each student. The hundreds board is basically a piece of paper with a grid from 1 to 100. Row one has the numbers across from 1 to 10, each in its own box; the second row is 11 - 20, etc., up to 100.

We reviewed note values. Then, each student got a hundreds board and a button. I then gave them instructions. For example:

  • Put your button on number 55.
  • Now add a whole note (add 4).
  • Now add a dotted half note.
  • Now divide by a half note.
  • Now add three quarter notes.
  • Subtract 8 sixteenth notes.
  • Add 20.
  • Add two eighth notes.
  • Add a dotted whole note.
  • Subtract a dotted half/eight note.
  • Subtract four sixteenth notes.
  • Subtract two eighth notes.
  • You should be back where you started: 55!

We did this again and again. Then, students came up and tried to stump the class. It was amazing how much fun we had and how many different variations were created. It was great to see them figuring out note values and different combinations.