Do You Need A D.A.R.E. Song?

Submitted by Pamela Rezach, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Idea posted 2003-05-15


I turned "Responsible" (from Music K-8, Vol. 11, No. 2) into a D.A.R.E. song. Here's what I did:

Responsible: "Use DARE" - Spoken Sprechstimme style to fit the beat. Part 1 is exactly as written by Music K-8.

All (divisi): Throughout this section, I have them add "and DARE."

Decency, fairness, honesty, respect, and DARE.

Discipline, justice, courage, and respect, and DARE.

Integrity, compassion, morality, respect, and DARE.

Humility, kindness - replace "and did I say respect" with "and D.A.R.E."

Then, where the lyrics go "Actions have consequences, don't you see? Choose your behavior, use DARE and you will see..."

Decency, fairness, honesty, respect, use DARE.

Discipline, justice, courage, and respect, use DARE.

Integrity, compassion, morality, respect and DARE.

Humility, kindness - replace "and did I say respect" with "and DARE too."

Yeah, yeah. Responsible, use DARE.