Beat And Math Concepts Activity

Submitted by Gretchen Taylor, Illinois

Idea posted 2003-10-09


I'm planning a new activity to use with my middlers next week that you might find useful. I'm going to use it as a warm-up activity to accompany a song that's in 4/4 swing meter with four 16-beat phrases and is repeated three times total. Here's the plan...

1. Ask students for some simple math equations involving two numbers that add up to eight: 4+4, 6+2, 2+6, 5+3, 3+5, 1+7, 7+1.
2. Write these on the board.
3. Explain that there will be a movement to go with each number of the equation. The numbers will be counted out to a steady beat with the first number involving a rising movement and the second number patting the lap. For example, 4+4 could be four snaps moving upwards and four pats on the lap. Other upward motions could be finger flicks (like flicking a fly), karate chops, hand shakes, thumbs up, finger shakes, claps, etc.
4. Choose the upward movement you want for each equation.
5. Set a strong pulse and "do the math" while moving and counting out loud to eight (i.e. 5+3 with flicks would be five flicks up and three pats counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). For equations like 7+1, the 1 is a quick motion down to the lap. 1+7 is fun to end with because it looks the "the wave."
6. Repeat each equation four times.
7. After establishing the patterns, select some music to accompany them. Decide which patterns you'll be using before starting the music.