Extreme Singers Bulletin Board Idea
Submitted by David Platt, Southlake, Texas
Idea posted 2004-02-26
I wanted my students to feel a little "ownership" of the music room. I taped two large pieces of white bulletin board paper together and cut around it to make it the shape of a giant cloud. I put it on one large wall area in the room up kind of high. I cut "lightning" shapes out of yellow bulletin board paper and put them slightly under the cloud coming out of different sides of it. In a big arch over the top edge of the cloud, I put large black letters cut in freestyle that say, "EXTREME SINGERS." Then I let all the kids who come to music sign their names on the big cloud. More than 300 kids signed it. It was very colorful and VERY personal to them. (Be careful. Some markers can go through the paper and ruin the wall. I used crayons or approved markers.) The kids really loved it.