Musicplay For Kindergarten
From Themes & Variations
by Denise GagnéThe Kindergarten Musicplay program has been written to be a complete cross-curricular approach to teaching music and to teaching other subject areas through music. Musical concepts are taught through traditional and composed action songs, singing games, sing-along songs, chants, and activities. These are just a few of the themes and academic areas that are included:
- names
- colors
- shapes
- numbers
- alphabet
- fall
- Halloween
- pumpkins
- Thanksgiving
- peace
- friends
- families
- whales
- beaches
- dinosaurs
- helmet safety
- traffic safety
- and many more!
This is a program for both the kindergarten classroom teacher and the music specialist with a real emphasis on integrating learning through music. Songs are uptempo, with a contemporary sound, and provide an excellent vocal model for children. With more than 170 songs on six performance/accompaniment CDs, this is a comprehensive music program for kindergarten!