George Washington Bridge
From Plank Road Publishing
adapted/arr. Karl HitzemannWe think you're going to love this song for the challenge it offers your singers. The concept is fairly simple – just sing the words "George Washington Bridge" over and over to a very recognizable and familiar tune. Sounds easy, right? The challenge is that, no matter where a syllable falls, you must keep singing the next. None of the words are slurred. So, oftentimes you will end up on a "wash" or an "ing" or a "ton." If you read along in the music, it will be a bit easier, but once your singers get used to it, try having them sing without the music for an extra challenge. Whether used as a warm-up, warm-down, or focus moment, your singers will have a lot of fun with it.
In case the singing doesn't provide enough of a challenge, we also made this tune a ukulele feature. You could have a group doing the singing and a group doing the ukulele playing. Of course, you could just make this a choir feature, or use the tracks and make it just a ukulele feature. The chords used are G, C, and D7. We have provided a written uke part in the kit, but we also encourage your players to freely strum along.
The melody for this song is a tune called "Sobre las olas" (over the waves) and was written by Mexican composer Juventino Rosas in 1888. (from Music K-8, Vol. 30, No. 1)
(Run time: 1:51)
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